Thursday 2 February 2017

Finished Ident Submission

The ident is now fully finished and rendered the animation is of a movie clapboard going down a slide then jumping once it hits the end of the movement. The original lasted for 14 seconds and had a larger path and movement on it, i had to cut it down due to time limitations.

Out of the 12 principles of animation i used arc, anticipation. I also used staging as towards the end i centered the camera on the clapboard. A few problems i ran into were the animation becoming very rough on the corners to fix this i used the graph editor Euler filter which helped clear it up. The other issue was the animation was too long and i had to cut it down.

In the future if i was to go back and improve it i would fix the lighting ( Shadows under the slide), i'll extend the animation and clear up some of the textures like on the clapboard its self.

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