Monday, 25 September 2017

Storyboard of Faster than Light

Faster than light is a rouge light which is randomized levels but they follow a pattern for each encounter.  At the Beginning you arrive at a destination and you have your characters and the environment  which could be a Exploding sun or an Ion storm or even nebula. These all have effects on what will happen in the battle. The battle its self varies depending on the enemy but once defeated or wounded you could spare or kill them for difference rewards some of them being quest specific. Then you go back to picking your next destination slowing advancing through the map repeating the previous steps listed. They are many story based encounter wild cards which can effect the game play as well.

The game has many quests and various things that can change the way you play most of the time you have the core loop of 

Chose location
Quest/other things

A game storyboard is has to be more verity compare to a movie/TV show storyboard as with a game the thing your seeing is able to change so that needs to be accounted for.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Creative and technal

For my creative and technical model i will be making Santa's sleigh which will also fit in with the imagine worlds project i will give it a basic animation as well. Its your a simple sleigh which i hope can get looking good currently my issue is designing the bag as making a good bag is harder as i need to get all ragged and fabric bag parts as well. All of the modeling is done in Maya and i intend on doing the texturing with substance painter as i have found it easier to use.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Character Design

Its a Butler with a cape, the idea comes from my bigger idea of superhero Butler

Structure of a story

Most story follow within the same genres follow a similar plot even if the story is different. For example in adventure films you have an old grizzled veteran who is knowable and would send you off on the hero's adventure. then you have a side kick who is either a awful fighter but has other skills or the other way round nominally it is the reverse of the main character.

They is Then Normally a point where the hero needs help from an opposing faction and needs to make friends with them or they need to team up with someone they don't like

Hero or Hero's accomplish gets capture and needs rescuing

They get rescued

At around 3/4 of the way in the hero and the party lose all hope and are planning on giving up on the adventure until someone gives an inspiring speech. 

Villain is defeated

A lot of these point you can apply to a wide range of story's as most follow the same formula with the hero who has an object (Defeat bad guy or return object to a place and do a thing). Most Horror films have the trope of someone moving into a abandoned/old build or an old object is haunting them. 

Romance is Girl and Boy meet, Fall in love, Hate each other, together again. 

The same Plot points exist throughout most films as they are successful

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Substance Painter

In Substance Painter


I Have used Substance painter to bake the Turtle model which is just using the baking tool and 
selecting the high and low poly models it's easier that Maya to do successfully. I spent the rest of the time working on painting the model and tried many different methods to make what i ended up with.
One tool i used was the Paint layer and the layer masking tool Which allows me to make big changes to the model quickly as you can change the color scheme when needed this is useful if you were to have a new idea or you needed to make a new skin/recolor of the character.

 I have found Substance painter to be more Useful and less Tedious than Photoshop or mud box to texture with as it can do large arears, you also have a large variation of objects and materials to use to be able to add to the model without needed to Look and Download them off 3rd party sources. When Exporting you also have the option to export in different ways to fir the software your using to display/animate it also the maps and other individual parts can be exported as well.

Naming can also be used to link certin layers by useing it you make it so that layers you dont' want to interact with each other don't

I'll likely be using substance painter in the future for other models i make as it will the models i make easier to texture and i'll likely be able to do it to a higher standard. 

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Colour Change

This shows The colour change effect in after effects shown off on an apple i used the recolour tool within a adjustment layer to make sure it would not effect the table. I used a second mask to show off the effect where the blueness fades over by pulling it over the original footage. I also used Mask trackin and noise removal to compensate my the shaky camera.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Testing Substance Painter

Substance Painter is a tool which allows you to texture UV with a wide range of brushes and effects it has a UI which is close to Photoshop to its not hard to pick up and it allows for a large veariation of effects and patterns to be created. For example I have used a wooden Material on the base and added a red tint to it. The Model its self i Put a full Metallic spry on it to make it more shiny. This is an alternative way you can texture UV.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Snow effects

I was testing out a snow effect for a future project and i made this. The top is the original image and the bottom is the finish project the effect is easy to do with little requirements, i have full control over the size,amount and shape/color of the snow flakes so i can tailor it to how i need. 
They would also be potential to add other effects in the same way like ash or leaves i could mess around with the settings to make other effects.

Storyboard of a chapter of "A scanner darkly"

This story board shows the chapter from the book i have all of the main parts sketched out with a brief description to show off the important notes. The sketch were done to get the point across and to make sure the next person in the production line can read it and get their point done.

Update: I have also tried out using 3D Models to make a storyboard to build a live scene, I have Incorporated the rule of 3 which is a grind where the focus of the image should be kept to the lines or within the main square.

Imagine worlds project

For our imagine worlds project my group will be working on an animation of a child and a parent building a snowman which will come alive at the end. In the group we have 2 main animators and 2 3D modelers. I'll be one of the modelers as well as added some extra stuff in after effects like text and snow if we decide upon it. We have the project planned out on trello with assigned tasks and jobs for everyone to do.  We have storyboards of the animation made to keep the group on track of what we are doing, and a Facebook group chat has been made so we are able to contact each other outside of college.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Establishing shot Hogwarts

This is the establishing shot of Hogwarts from harry potter philosophers stone it shows the main setting for the entire series.