Sunday 6 May 2018

Matt painting the Bridges

I have footage of the bridges shopping center in Sunderland which i will begin designing digitally i have already put a light storm outside the windows and i want to add some destruction and signs of abandonment such as shopping trolleys and left bags. I'll have to set up a motion track i have already done some over at home and now i have access to college computers i can use element 3D to build up the rest of the scene. So far my tracking has been 100% accurate so i am going to attempt mocha (plugin) if i can't i'll be doing it manual which fortunately it's only 48 frames for what we used in the trailer so a manual track won't take hour's of my life to do.

We are still working effectively as a team and after our MVP we had a review of all the feedback and work that needs to be done and decided who is going to do it and what they need to do. So all of the group members have their tasks to complete. And we will be working together for some of them such as the final scene color correction.

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