Friday 6 April 2018

Designing a reactor

This week I managed to get the reactor designed and build using saber once I got the beam size and animation designed (flicker, brightness and speed) I found the hardest part was picking out the colour to use. As this is something which doesn’t exist in real life I didn’t have many references. I finally settled on a light blue based on feedback it was between that or an orange I felt they both had the reactor look I was looking for.

We had a group scrum this week to do a progress check and everyone is working independently on a scene each I am confident that we will have 3 scene minimum ready for the MVP and a 4th depending on how quickly my group works. We have been helping each other to build the scenes by sending screenshots and going through changes. With us not being at college I’m happy with the amount of communication we have to cooperate with each other.

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