A lot of games gain their features from having limitation placed placed upon them and that when most developers get the most creative to try and work within limitations and still produce a fun experience.
Some games and made with a specific control set in mind for example most RTS's are made with a mouse and keyboard and moving around the map is harder with a analog stick also having a keyboard allows you to hot key units. While Racing games and Fighting games some people believe that its better with a controller. For Example The motion controller might be the best way to play Will spots as you have the most realistic controls that feel immersive.
The Audience Also Is a big factor in game development for a game marketed to children you would be avoid large amounts of blood and gore and going for more bright and colorful images. Also Children would need more simplistic controls compared to dark souls which you need 3 hands to play on the hardest difficulty.
Mario 64 (DS)
Mario 64 was a one of the DS's biggest games for a reason and that is because it was a massive innovative game on such a small system with tons of different worlds and boss's all with their own strategy on fighting them it made up a Fan favorite which apart from graphically has stood the test of time. The Reason the graphics haven't stood as well as we would hope is the small scale 3d world with technology it made Mario look very rough but the rest of the game stands well. The game was known for how innovative it was at the time with strong graphics for a DS game and fun gameplay.
D-Pad and touch screen plus buttons
Command and Conquer (RTS) (PC)
Command and Conquer is a franchises of RTS games The most recent main game release Which was generals and its DLC Was a strong game which was well balanced compare to previous irritations and had plenty of content. And for a RTS game it had Great graphics with Fun game play. As an RTS it plays a bit different to other games on the list and if you play plenty of attention to the AI you can find some easy ways to expolite it which is a common them ought all strategy games.
The game is old and has it's issue like most EA Published games they took down the servers after the popularity decreased so to play a multiplexer game with a friend you are required to play through 3rd party programs to connected to friends
Mouse-Keyboard (Hotkeys)
Rainbow 6 Siege (Console)
Rainbow 6 siege is my most played game on the Xbox one and that is for a reason, with its constant free additions with new maps and characters as well the way the game can play out can be different every time. It's a fast Pace Close quarter combat game based on special forces around the world Its a 5v5 shooter with dynamic maps and a mix of abilities. With The Dev team at Ubisoft behind and the plans for another few years of free content it could eventually becoming a game capable of taking on the Giant Known as CSGO.
Rainbow 6 siege is a tactics based shooter where team work and good communication is key having multiple people breach a building from different sides will be a lot more effective that a single person running in firing wildly. This is a great team game where playing smart over playing fast is encouraged.
The games main let down is the servers and the server tick rate which sometimes is abysmal with regular outages and times where you shoot someone and the server decided you didn't do that this is one of the reasons the game is not as popular as it could be.
Controller (Analog Sticks) (Buttons)
These are all games from different Eras of gaming which have stood the test of time for one reason or another i i hope they will continue to last another 10 years.